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Basic tools of Photoshop and you needed as an UI developer

Friday 27 November 2015
Hello everyone this is another video from Pixel-lab. In this video we are going to discuss some tools from Photoshop and showing you how much it needed as an UI developer, frankly UI developer don’t need to create any design ,logo or any graphical part but they might need some image , gradient color or any other resources.

Initially I am going to discuss with you, about all the tools from Photoshop and give you a real time example. I am not going to demonstrate any image manipulation as they are not need when you are a UI developer but you need to cut out the images and other resources.
Shortcut Keys:
Ctrl+n - For new canvas
alt+backspace -- for feeling the foreground color
ctrl+d - deselect selection
ctrl+backspace-- Giving background color
ctrl+z -- Undo
ctrl+click -- Select a layer
ctrl+alt+z -- Undo many times
ctrl '+'-- Zoom in
ctrl '-' -- Zoom out

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