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Detecting a mobile OS and Internet Explorer hack

Tuesday 25 August 2015 No comments:
Beginning of this post I should tell you that browser hacking or detection is not always needed.  I never recommended using browsers hack or detection for managing the structure where you probably have some basic structure issue.

First we need to try with good basic structure for that try to mention clear after every row where float has been used and don’t use unnecessary floats for every element which I found some tendencies for the designers. Try to use inline-block instead of float. All of above you should mention the Semantic HTML structure which is must for every browser. Internet explorer is one of the most safest browser in the market, so lots of people from bank and govt sector use it as their default bowser.So we need to support our design in this browser too.
Now some CSS modern properties are not widely compatible with different versions of IE for those cases I recommend to use Modernizr which I found one of the best tools in the market. The job of the Modernizr will discuss later in this serial posts.

Post1: Mobile Detection through Javascript

Designer resources which we need everyday

Saturday 15 August 2015 No comments:
Hello everyone once again, in this very starting post I need to do a smooth start, so I am just talking about the resources. Now frankly we are nothing without a good resource website. We need good resource website in both ways i. resolve our development issue. Ii. Get updated with new technologies and change. Some also say that they get motivated by the post from lots of sites. I personally respect that website which tells about the life and their do’s and don’ts.